Wema Sepetu was recently seen attending Rom Jones's birthday bash, Jones is Diamond's cousin. Apart from that the actress was also seen with WCB's Ray Vanny and their clip went viral. and so many thought Wema and Diamond are back together. But speaking on Clouds Fm Wema rubbished the rumors.
"life has to go on, we can't always have a beef, life is too short, I'm not with Diamond now, I respect him as an artists, I'm just a fan"
Asked about having differences with Zari Wema said " I'm not in a beef with Zari, and I never had a beef with any lady who dated Diamond, since my problem with Diamond remain ours, Zari has no problem, she was approached she has no problem"
Wema also said that she loves Zari and Diamond's daughter Princess Tiffah not like gossip mongers say. Wema revealed it will be madness to hate a child like Tiffah.
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Wema Sepetu Talks About Zari, Princess Tiffah And Rumors Of Being Back Together With Diamond.
Description : Wema Sepetu was recently seen attending Rom Jones's birthday bash, Jones is Diamond's cousin. Apart from that the actress was als...
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